Importance of Abacus and Vedic Math’s for kids

Abacus and vedic maths help kids to solve mathematical arithmetic’s in easy and faster way. Abacus is mechanical calculation device which requires manual operation for finding solutions to arithmetic problems. This ancient tool of calculation has now become a supplementary education to strengthen children's skills for fast and accurate math ability with enhancing and polishing the brain functions like concentration, focus, listening, analyzing, comprehending, imagination, retention, memory, perseverance, creative intelligence etc. so the modern definition of abacus is changed to, ' a math tool for brain exercise". Intelligent mind is the need of this time. since ages, education system around the all the parts of the world is developed to give an opportunity to access accumulated knowledge of work done by precedents in various fields, of science, social, math, literature, history, skills etc and in the modern world now the definition has improved with, “creatin...