Summer Camp in Nagpur–Salma Anjum

The primary purpose of summer camps is educational, athletic, or cultural development. A summer camp environment may allow children to learn new skills in a safe and nurturing environment.

Time spent in summer workshops are investments with long term benefits. While a few weeks spent in a workshop can help you develop your communication and public speaking skills, Basic Language Skills will give you an edge in your professional life in future. Children should make use of all that free time.

Learn the art of to Think, Analyze and Solve with special summer camps in Nagpur. Workshops for all ages not only hone your skills while helping you constructively pass time.

summer camps in nagpur

Our 15 Days Play & learn program includes:

Logical reasoning
 It is the process of using a rational, systematic series of steps based on sound mathematical procedures and given statements to arrive at a conclusion.

Analytic reasoning
It represents judgments made upon statements that are based on the virtue of the statement's own content.

Public speaking
 It is the process of communicating information to an audience. It is usually done before a large audience, like in school, the workplace and even in our personal lives. The benefits of knowing how to communicate to an audience include sharpening critical thinking and verbal/non-verbal communication skills

Salma anjum is also known for spoken English in Nagpur. Their aim is to help the child Explore & Experiment with his/her Creative & Communication Skills.

spoken english in nagpur


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