Why a Home Tutor?? by Salma Anjum

Home Tutor: Most of us admit our kids to the most esteemed schools of the city. We, as parents aspire the best of everything for our kids, the best of education is the forerunner. Still, it's indeed a haunting truth that the usual feedbacks during periodic PTMs in the school about our kids is mildly disappointing and when we get the printed conclusion of all our experimental efforts, in terms of Report Card, it becomes all the more disappointing. 

Then we rush to easily accessible source of solace, the most common one being the coaching class. Obviously, many kids manage to stay afloat with the guidance in coaching centres, but , there are exceptions and these are the kids who face the following 'Study Difficulties':
1.Kids with concentration 
2. Hyperactive kids
3.Shy/ Hesitant in questioning
4.Very brilliant but careless in Approach.
5. Too meticulous to be pacified in group teaching
6.Mood Swings 
Such kids genuinely need a Study Partner in the guise of a home tutor.
We, as parents can enjoy Special Bonanza in the wellbeing of our kid's performance by hiring a home tutor, as we get the following benefits:
1.A professional tutor adapts himself to the temperament of the student.
2. Convenient time
3. Personal Monitoring
4. Solving each and every query of the child
5. A regular track of the child's assessments etc.;
So, having figured out , the kid's psyche and want, we should be quick in resorting to a solution.


Written by
Salma Anjum
Director: Ascendant Learning Center Private Limited


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